Hi all.

I've been trying to add some automated functional testing to our flex app.

I found FunFX, a functional test framework for flex built in ruby.  This
page (http://peternic.blogspot.com/2007/11/funfx-getting-started.html)
directed me to install the automation package, which claims that you can use
it with LCDS or Express LCDS.  However, it demands a license key to install,
and the Express version of LCDS seems to just install by not entering a
key.  (ie if you have only Express LCDS, it seems you can't actually install
the automation package).  Any suggestions?  We are in the process of
upgrading to Flex 3, but in the short term this isn't an option.

I'm curious as to what other people are using for functional testing their
Flex apps.  Some searching reveals that Selenium can be extended fairly
easily for Flex testing, and google indicates that several people have
in-house Selenium extensions, but none of these appear to have been
contributed back yet.  I'm partway through a proof of concept for selenium
testing (I have JavaScript finding buttons in my Flex app), but this FunFX
seems to have a lot of work done that I'd have to repeat.

Any pointers would be appreciated!



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