I know what you are saying.  Unfortuantly the process flow doesn't really allow 
for the user to "come back".  In reality the disconnects from the internet 
"should" be very brief, but of course I can not gaurantee that.



----- Original Message ----
From: George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:32:58 AM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Adobe AIR Disconnected storage with Credit Cards

For me I would never try to store sensitive private information anywhere 
as user don't know. I would ask to input credit cards information once 
again when getting back online.


Jeff Krueger wrote:
> Paul, 
> Thanks. Yes I was thinking about something close to that. Of course when the 
> CC is entered you can do the check digit to make sure the number is valid. I 
> have a good background in Flex all the way back to flex 1.5. I haven't 
> started with AIR yet, but I am thinking so I put the CC into the value object 
> and attempt to call my webservice to actually do the charge. I am looking for 
> details about how the application handles the fact it can't get to the 
> webservice. What is AIR doing being the scene to "save" that so it can resend 
> it when a connection is available again. Yes if I encrypt the CC before 
> putting it into the value object that helps, but I still have to answer the 
> question for the auditors of where is the encrypted information stored. Is it 
> purged after the connection is reestablished, etc. So in a perfect world 
> maybe there is a flag for a field in AIR that if it has to store it for a 
> temp time that it will encrypt it. I am just having
> a hard time finding out the low level details of how this is supported (The 
> store and forward).
> Thanks
> Jeff

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