Thanks for the information.  I think I have enough to get started trying to 
solve this problem.  I think Ivo's response with the encrypted store might help 
out also.

Thanks Again


----- Original Message ----
From: Scott Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:55:37 AM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Adobe AIR Disconnected storage with Credit Cards

>From what I have figured out… Flex stores to a local db file that is 
>accessible to any other flex app that is running on the local machine.  Not 
>secure.  The only way you are going to get it to be secure (from my 
>understanding) is to encrypt it yourself and develop a security routine 
>yourself.  Syncing with the server is either handled on your own, or if you 
>use liveCycle or some other DTO with logic that does this automatically.  
>There are some good tutorials on doing this with Java and LiveCycles, but I 
>don’t have much access to my server and don’t know how to tell if I have 
>LiveCycles installed (or knowledge of Java) so I have been writing a custom 
>sync routine that happens whenever a record is saved that sends all unsynced 
>records (“UPDATED”, “DELETED”, “NEW”) to the FDS gateway into a ColdFusion 
>Service.  I am also going to use GUIDs to insure that the info is unique.  
>You’ll want to clear the CCs out of your local SQLite db
 manually if you intend to store it the way I’m doing it.
If I’m wrong someone correct me.
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flexcoders@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf 
Of George
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Adobe AIR Disconnected storage with Credit Cards
For me I would never try to store sensitive private information anywhere 
as user don't know. I would ask to input credit cards information once 
again when getting back online.


Jeff Krueger wrote:
> Paul, 
> Thanks. Yes I was thinking about something close to that. Of course when the 
> CC is entered you can do the check digit to make sure the number is valid. I 
> have a good background in Flex all the way back to flex 1.5. I haven't 
> started with AIR yet, but I am thinking so I put the CC into the value object 
> and attempt to call my webservice to actually do the charge. I am looking for 
> details about how the application handles the fact it can't get to the 
> webservice. What is AIR doing being the scene to "save" that so it can resend 
> it when a connection is available again. Yes if I encrypt the CC before 
> putting it into the value object that helps, but I still have to answer the 
> question for the auditors of where is the encrypted information stored. Is it 
> purged after the connection is reestablished, etc. So in a perfect world 
> maybe there is a flag for a field in AIR that if it has to store it for a 
> temp time that it will encrypt it. I am just having
> a hard time finding out the low level details of how this is supported (The 
> store and forward).
> Thanks
> Jeff

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