On Feb 21, 2008, at 3:36 PM, smustafa77 wrote:

Can u please provide with a sample,how can we convert to byte array
and store the PDF on the server

Hit up alivepdf.org and/or http://code.google.com/p/alivepdf/

Here's a tutorial:

http://alivepdf.bytearray.org/wp-content/tutorials/alivepdf-tutorial- flex-application.swf

The saving methods are all included within the Alive PDF library source. The saving methods were written quite well and allow you to save directly to a remote or file source (AIR).

The AlivePDF library comes with a create.php method that will take the resulting PDF stream and bounce it back to the client if you are using it online. somePDF.savePDF(Method.REMOTE, "pathto_create.php_method", Download.ATTACHMENT, "somePDF.pdf");

Of course, you can use any server language you want. Just basically mimic the functionality in the create.php source.

The svn includes the create.php source, among other stuff.

I don't use AlivePDF with PHP personally. I use it with Django and DjangoAMF and use report-lab on the server to perform additional server-side work on the PDF files.



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