You can load images from any domain, but you can't access their bits w/o
crossdomain.xml permission.


The typical workaround is to use a proxy server where you request an
image from your server and your server goes to the other domain to get
the bits.



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Alan Gruskoff
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2008 9:59 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Populating an Image control from an
HTTPService request


It may be easier than that. You dont so much want to use HTTPservice,
you just want to get an image.

Define your image with an addressable ID, so we can code to it.

<mx:Image id="someImage" source="
<> "

Anytime you want to populate that someImage object, just tell Flex
where it's Source is, which can be local to the directory the .swf is
in or a full URL.

private function getImage():void {
someImage.source = "
<> " 

--- In <>
, "mammatusstratusnimbuscumulus"
> Could someone shed some light on how to go about populating an image
> control with the results of a HTTPService request? I've spent hours
> trying to get this to work to no avail and haven't been able to find
> any examples anywhere. The images are from other websites which may
> or may not have a cross-domain policy file and for those that don't I
> receive security errors when trying to use something like 
> <mx:Image source="
<> ">.
> My plan was to send the HTTPService request via a PHP proxy script
> which I've done no problem for XML or other data types, but when I try
> to do the same for an image, HTTPService.lastResult comes back as
> If anyone has a simple example or can provide a useful link I'd really
> appreciate it, and thanks for helping out a noob! :)
> Jon


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