URLLoader loads the SWF as data and does not parse the SWF for its


Sounds like you're doing everything right, but I would verify the SWF in
the SWC to make sure it is valid.



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Paul Spitzer
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 2:53 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Runtime Class Loading


Hi All,

Hoping someone can help me out here... I'm near the point of loosing my 
mind. I'm trying to do a simple load of a library SWF in order to use 
the classes within. Unfortunately it's not working. What I did was 
create a new library project, stuffed in a couple of classes, extracted 
the swf from the swc, and then created an ActionScript project in which 
I load the SWF.

When I use the Loader object to load the SWF the complete event never 
fires. I see progress events and I see the bytesLoaded matching the 
bytesTotal but no complete event. When I use URLLoader the SWF loads up 
no problem but I can't seem to access any of the classes in the library 
SWF. Using getDefinitionByName throws an error. If instead of a library 
project I create and load an ActionScript project SWF it all works as 
expected. But only when I use a Loader to load the SWF. If I try to use 
URLoader it doesn't work. Again, getDefinitionByName throws an error. I 
could create the library as an ActionScript project but I'd really 
prefer not to have to, feels a little dirty.

I was looking at the way the Flex framework works with RSLs and it 
appears it does exactly what I'm trying to do. That is,
it loads a library swf making the classes available at runtime. I tried 
duplicating the code in mx.preloaders.Preloader but to no avail. I 
tested a Flex project with an RSL and after adding some debug code I 
found the complete event in the Preloader (RSLNode) fires without any 
issues. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong, or not doing, or what 
the framework is doing that I'm not. Here's my code, about as simple as 
it gets...

public function LibLoader()
var loader: Loader = new Loader();



var loaderContext: LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
loaderContext.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
loader.load(new URLRequest("TestLib.swf"), loaderContext);

private function handleProgress(event: ProgressEvent):void

private function handleLoadComplete(event: Event):void

private function handleLoadError(event: ErrorEvent):void

Any insight?

Many thanks,



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