> Is there a reason you can't use capture phase listeners?

I definitely can, and that's the solution I'm going to use. It just
didn't occur to me because:

a) I was working in MXML and was just attaching listeners using attributes.

b) DragEvent inherits from MouseEvent, which to me at least, implies
that it behaves like MouseEvent, which means a default of bubbling
(even though the MouseEvent constructor indicates the default is to
not bubble, which I assume is just in keeping with Event's
constructor's default arguments).

So, my problem is now solved... I just think both of these issues
should be raised somewhere "officially" so others don't bang their
head on it quite as much as I did. The two points that need to be

- MXML event attributes are added with the defaults, which means *not*
the capture phase.

- DragEvents don't bubble like MouseEvents, so if you need to get them
higher up the hierarchy you have to capture them.


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