this is extremely close to what I'm trying to do.
(I posted here earlier today looking for a solution!)

You can modify the dataProvider of the XML, setting the @enabled attribute, 
which will cause the menu to update.


myMenuData..menuitem.(@id=="menuUp")[EMAIL PROTECTED] = "false"

....will disable the menuUp entry.

If you're trying to get access directly to the menu instance, then I'm afraid I 
don't know the answer....that's what my post was about this morning.

(I'm trying to get a reference for a unit test so I can do an assertion on the 
enabled property of the menuItem itself.)

Hope that helps


----- Original Message ----
From: bc24fl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 2, 2008 4:29:11 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Enable / Disable Flex Menu Items Programmatically using 
AS 3.0

I have the following XML data defined in my app:

<!-- Define the menu data. -->
<mx:XML format="e4x" id="myMenuData" >
<menuitem id="menuDrill" label="Drill =>" >
<menuitem id="menuDown" label="Down" toggled="false"
enabled="true" />
<menuitem id="menuUp" label="Up" toggled="false"
enabled="true" />
<menuitem type="separator" />
<menuitem label="Lock / Unlock" type="check" toggled="false" />
<menuitem type="separator" /> 
<menuitem label="Reset Graph" toggled="false" /> 

I can statically disable one of the items by setting enabled="false" ,
however I need to disable the item by using Action Script 3.0. 

I've tried using dataDescriptor like so but it does not work:

myMenu.dataDescript or.setEnabled( myMenuData. menuDrill. menuDown, false);

I've posted this on a few forums and haven't received a solution.  I
hope I can find one here.

Any help would be much appreciated.




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