In my coding, the renderers dispatch off their owner, which is the list.


The CB simply adds listeners for whatever event it is interested in.
Best time to do that is probably the OPEN event.  CB currently listens
for CHANGE.  So in my app there'd only be one level of listening (CB
listens to dropdown) since the renderers dispatch off of the dropdown.





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Battershall, Jeff
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 4:38 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] ComboBox ItemRenderer Custom Events only go to
SystemManager - WHY?????


Thanks Alex! How do you control what events the CB is listening for from
it's list? It would seem there are two levels of listening required
herre  - one by the List and another by the CB.  I'm definitely in
search of the best practices way to approach this sort of problem.




-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Alex Harui
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 6:00 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] ComboBox ItemRenderer Custom Events only go to
SystemManager - WHY?????

        It wasn't clear whether your renderer was dispatching the event
or the entire dropdown.  Yes, you may need two levels of owner..  A
renderer in the dropdown doesn't have any clue it is working for a
combobox and you just have to wire it up correctly.


        Personally, I'm not a fan of using bubbling to pass events.
IMHO, bubbling is designed for cases where you cannot know the
relationship (something internal got clicked, scrolled or added).
Everything else should be handled without bubbling.  The CB listens for
events from the dropdown already.  If I were doing custom work, any
additional event would be dispatched from the dropdown and listened to
from the CB.  Lots of folks seem to love bubbling, but I think it is a
bad practice when you already have a defined relationship.



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Battershall, Jeff
        Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 11:22 AM
        Subject: RE: [flexcoders] ComboBox ItemRenderer Custom Events
only go to SystemManager - WHY?????


        Seriously Alex, 


        I have been tearing my hair out over this.  When I trace owner
from within my itemRenderer I get "List496" or something like that. If I
use owner.dispatchEvent(myCustomEventInstance,true), and listen on the
ComboBox, nothing is transmitted.


        At this point I'm glad I've got something that will work, i.e.,
using SystemManager, but I want to know if there's something I'm doing
wrong that requires this approach, because it seems to break the chain
of responsibility.  Shouldn't a combo box be able to relay events from
its list?



                -----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alex Harui
                Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 1:47 PM
                Subject: RE: [flexcoders] ComboBox ItemRenderer Custom
Events only go to SystemManager - WHY?????

                Popups have to float over "everything" so they are
parented by SM and not the CB or the app.   If you dispatch the event
off the "owner" it will go to the CB and bubble up from there



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Battershall, Jeff
                Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 10:23 AM
                Subject: [flexcoders] ComboBox ItemRenderer Custom
Events only go to SystemManager - WHY?????


                I've been remiss in addressing my less-than-perfect
understanding of
                Events and event bubbling.
                My custom itemRenderer needs to fire a custom event.
I've spent the last
                day trying to get it to bubble up from my custom
itemRenderer to the
                ComboBox, but no dice. If I add an eventListener in my
ComboBox, it does
                not receive the event. However when I use
systemManager.addEventListener("myCustomEvent",myHandler), suddenly I
                can receive the event.
                Is this the expected behavior? Why?
                Jeff Battershall
                Application Architect
                Dow Jones Indexes
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (609) 520-5637 (p)
                (484) 477-9900 (c)


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