If you can entertain free Java server (Jetty 7 would be our preference) you
can get push over HTTP with very low latency and high scalability. We just
completed implementation of Servlet 3 API that provides "native" push
platform for BlazeDS.
Hope this helps,
Anatole Tartakovsky
Farata Systems

On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 6:58 PM, Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   I've got a flex app that needs to update data routinely (about once per
> minute). The data is stored in a database on my server and there could
> be several 10's to hundreds of users who are looking at the data
> simultaneously via the flex app. The data is represented by colored dots
> on a map. When the data changes, and it does about once per minute, I
> basically need to update the color of one or potentially several
> thousand objects on the map. I'd like for the changes to be seen by all
> users at the same time (data push right?). I've seen a tutorial online
> (the horse race one) about doing something similar, but it required the
> Adobe Media Server on the server side. Is there a cheaper and better way
> to do this using one of the open source AMF's out there? I've played
> around with AMF::Perl, but it doesn't seem to have the data push
> capability, only responds to requests as far as I can tell. Has anyone
> done something like this? If so what did you use? I'm working with
> Win2k3, IIS6, and SQL Express if that makes a difference. Currently, I
> have a program running on the server creating an XML file with the color
> of the objects as one of the attributes. My flex app routinely reloads
> this file, but this is cumbersome as it has to reload all the objects
> and all users of the app don't update simultaneously since the timers
> all start at differnet times. Looking for some good advice and would be
> willing to pay for expert help.
> Regards,
> Cameron

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