

We have an application that uses Cairngorm Framework and our backend is
Seam and GraniteDS. I started writing some unit tests using Flex Unit. I
modified the Flex unit TestCase to handle async calls made by Cairngorm.
When I build and automate these test cases using Antennae backend calls
are not getting invoked. I am running this on Linux so initially I was
using the standalone player and was using the flexunit task written by
Peter Martin. I later switched it to run in Firefox using Antennae
thinking that the standalone player did not have server context. But I
have had no luck with both approaches.


Initially when I started this project I wrote some test cases for a
standalone Flex and Cairngorm app that used HttpService and it worked as
a charm but trying to integrate the concepts into our app has been a
painful process. 


So here is my question. How many people out there are testing and
automating flex and cairngorm applications on linux using Antennae?  or
using Peter Martin's flexunit task? 


Also have people out there using Flex, Cairngorm and Seam successfully
written flex unit tests?





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