Anyone else having issues running the Flex debugger?


After the application crashing a few times I my code no longer is
getting updated.  A telltale sign is if I hit the project->clean I get
an error that the project.swf file cannot be deleted.  


I can exit flex builder and try to delete the files manually through
explorer but they are still in use and cannot be deleted.


The computer manager shows no open files either.


The only way I know to start working with flex again once this happens
is to reboot.


I originally thought it was being cause by me editing accidentally while
the application was still running but that didn't seem to have a bearing
on the last couple of times it crash.


It's driving me nuts to have to keep restarting my computer everything
this happens.


Is anyone else having this issue and/or do you have a quicker way around
it or know how to prevent it?


Thanks much.

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