I agree whole-heartedly with Anatole. Reporting requirements are commonly
very specific - and as I hear about what people want in a reporting toolkit.
they describe 'the' solution as being generally purposeable which doesn't
make any sense. If you want a flexible solution you are going to have to
sacrifice some of the concreteness of the report - if you want a rock solid
report you are going to have to get your hands dirty to make it happen. If
you would rather buy a reporting solution. expect to cough up dough
commensurate with the quality of the product. The big problem, as Anatole
already surmised, is that people's eyes are typically much larger than their


Rick Winscot



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Anatole Tartakovsky
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 12:35 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Who is using FlexReport?


Report Wirter is a delicate topic. We wrote reporting solution in 2006 -
complete stack from database to end-user UI designer to the optimized client
to the PDF. However, the current mind set in the enterprises - if it is
third party product it has to be open source and free. So instead of pushing
it as a product, we are packaging it as a service.

After all, building low cost solution for mass market requires mass market
and enterprises with flex reporting are not mass market yet.

I believe most of reporting solutions I have seen are just tip of the
iceberg, with services beneath to recover develpoment costs.



Anatole Tartakovsky
Farata Systems


On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:34 AM, Derrick Anderson

amen brother, to be honest I like FlexReport- but it's not ready for an
enterprise app.  it's a good starting point, but I really need something
much more robust.

i'm in the same boat, would love to provide all the great reportability and
UI that has been touted but more and more i see people 'hacking' out flex
reports in anything other than 'flex'.

Adobe, where is the flex report builder???



On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:10 AM, ansury2001 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I need some advice on whether FlexReport is ready for "real" use.

I've already taken a look at it some, and other than it being a pain 
to setup and rather slow, I think it may work well enough. But I want 
to get some 3rd party opinions on others who have used it-- or, what 
other solutions have you come up with? Are most people just using 3rd 
party tools like Oracle BI Publisher or Crystal Reports, resorting to 
that primitive "HTML round-trip" stuff? ^_^

I also would like to provide users with report building capabilities. 
I know reporting is complex, but has anyone done anything similiar or 
had any experience creating a report builder in Flex? Something like 
ClearBI would be great. (Unfortunately ClearBI has no user base, no 
support, no community, extremely restrictive setup requirements, is 
almost impossible to setup and get working, isn't cheap (considering 
what you're getting), and seems like a VERY risky choice for 

As a side rant...
Flex is not going to take off in an "enterprise environment" as Adobe 
seems to be claiming it is ready for until we can do reporting 
natively in the swf app, without a ton of issues and work to do. I 
don't care whether it's built into Flex, created separately by Adobe, 
or built by a third party, but a real solution is going to be needed 
very soon, before something like Silverlight exploits this weakness. 
FlexReport won't be this solution no matter how good it gets, because 
it's scope isn't large enough. Users need to be able to create their 
own reports using the reporting interface!




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