Terry AB5K was over yesterday and we were working on getting everything buttoned up and interoperable for our upcoming DXpedition/CQWW SSB trip to V31 in a couple of weeks. In case you’ve been in a coma, we’re part of the SDR op team going to V31 to conduct the first all-SDR DXpedition and DX contest operation. We’ll be operating from V31MD, using his antennas and our SDRs. Pre- and post-contest operations will be under our respective calls – Terry is V31TG, Larry (WO0Z) V31LL, Eric (AA4SW) V31SD, and me as V31ZL. During the contest we’ll be using Bob Fox’s call (and body) as V31MD. We’ll be running Multi-2 during the contest using N1MM software networked with the radio computers. Though we’re going at this both as a fun/casual “vacation with radios” - with some wives along - we’re also out to prove the viability of SDR technology in a DX/contest environment.


Now to the point of this email, and where it strays off topic. Terry and I were trying to get our respective SDR computers interoperating through my home network yesterday to test our design. I have a Linksys 80211.g router set up as a secure (WEP encrypted) network access point and we were having problems getting Terry signed on to the router. After banging on it unsuccessfully for several minutes I suggested we call Linksys tech support on the phone. I’d called them before on a previous setup issue and mentioned to Terry that Linksys phone support (free) had always been very good. So I dialed them up on the speakerphone and after the obligatory automated operator maze and (“our call volumes are unexpectedly high”) five minute wait we were greeted by a live, but very Indian, female support person. (I could see Terry’s eyes roll.)


As I had experienced on a prior call to Linksys, this was not your usual Indian tech support call. This lady was all business - focused, knowledgeable, and wasted no time getting our problem sorted out. VERY impressive! I’m an unabashed user of customer support phone lines when I run out of runway with online help, but they’ve mostly gone down the tubes with all the shifting to cheaper offshore support mills. Linksys, too, has gone to India with their phone support, but it’s IMPECCABLE! Leaves one to wonder why the huge gap.


Bottom line, I *WILL* buy Linksys products in the future.


Gary W5ZL


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