Where did the text go????

Here is what I wrote:

I think I have found a bug.  If VAC is configured and you are using Auto
enable and then engage DigiU. If you select the var1 or var2 filter, the
filter is on the left side (LSB) of the carrier line in pan adapter display
mode.  The predefined filters work correctly.

I have the popping or clicking noise using MIXW and the purchased version of
VAC.  I was able to reduce the popping (sometimes it is there, sometime not)
on PSK31 by setting the audio processing setting in the soundcard setup
screen to Message-based (standard) rather than Direct X and setting the VAC
buffers to 512.  All of the other buffers are 2048 using a Delta 44.

CAT in MixW says I am in FSK mode.

Setting VAC buffers to a value higher than 512 make things much worse.

It works, I just had a bpsk31 QSO with YV5DSL.

Tim Ellison ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
Integrated Technical Services ( http://www.itsco.com )

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 10:26 PM
To: flexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] VAC issues with Preview 7

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