At 05:57 AM 12/23/2005, Robert McGwier wrote:

I can't tell you how much I have wanted to avoid truly tackling this
problem.  I really do understand the issues and I would love to use
constant Q or perfect Q designed equalizers.  RANE has written some
beautiful papers describing that work (in technical journals but done
primarily as marketing, not as technology transfer) after they have
gotten patents.  The last time I gave this a glance,  the patents were
still in force.  I abhor this kind of patent.

As do I, so I went hunting for it. And couldn't find it. Nor any other patents that seem to be even remotely related.

I went and searched the PTO database.. Rane Corporation doesn't appear to have any relevant patents in this area.  Here's the list for Rane and audio (not all of these area assigned to Rane)

PAT. NO. Title
1 6,865,270 Echo cancellation method and apparatus
2 6,853,732 Center channel enhancement of virtual sound images
3 6,566,767 Selectable make-brake ground connector, cable and/or system
4 6,144,747 Head mounted surround sound system
5 5,848,146 Audio system for conferencing/presentation room
6 5,841,879 Virtually positioned head mounted surround sound system
7 5,774,016 Amplifier system having prioritized connections between inputs and outputs
8 5,661,812 Head mounted surround sound system
9 5,459,790 Personal sound system with virtually positioned lateral speakers
10 5,291,558 Automatic level control of multiple audio signal sources
11 5,272,757 Multi-dimensional reproduction system
12 5,046,105 Audio signal equalizer having accelerated slope phase shift compensated filters
13 4,891,841 Reciprocal, subtractive, audio spectrum equalizer
14 4,882,664 Synchronous modulation circuit

#s 12 and 13 are analog equalizer type designs.

Searching for Miller as inventor and Rane anywhere in the patent turns up NO patents.
I based this on:"All techniques and algorithms discussed in this article are covered by applications filed by its inventor Ray Miller and Rane Corporation with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office and other international patent agencies." from their website.

I also searched for "Rane" and "audio" as well as "Rane" and "equalizer", and turned up nothing that seems to be applicable.

And, I searched for patents issued to Dennis Bohn (CTO at Rane).. just the two above, which are analog, and issued back in 1991, so close to expiring.

Rick Jeffs has a patent (assigned to Rane) for using hall effect sensors to sense slider positions.
Here's all the patents assigned to Rane

PAT. NO. Title
1 6,865,270 Echo cancellation method and apparatus
2 6,813,361 Non-contact audio fader control system and method
3 5,848,146 Audio system for conferencing/presentation room
4 5,291,558 Automatic level control of multiple audio signal sources
5 5,046,105 Audio signal equalizer having accelerated slope phase shift compensated filters
6 4,891,841 Reciprocal, subtractive, audio spectrum equalizer
7 4,882,664 Synchronous modulation circuit

Now, it's possible that Rane and Miller have filed their patents under an obscure name so as to "submarine" folks later.  I also looked at the photos of their gear on the website, and all they say is "patents applied for", with no numbers.

So, Rane might have done a fine job of creating Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.  I note that they say "applications filed with USPTO" but don't actually say "patented".  There's a big difference.  One can send in an application and withdraw it, for instance.  Or, one can send in an application for trademark.  Or, one can send in an application for a job.<grin>  (The company I used to work for did all of these, just to delay the appearance of knockoff products a few months, while keeping their various marketing literature truthful.)

Jim, W6RMK

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