We have just had a really good discussion on Teamspeak on this eve of the new year. Ross - ZL1WN commented that perhaps this Reflector 'turns some folks off' due to the 'technical' nature of some of the 'threads' posted here?
Ross also commented that the SDR is really not that difficult to get going no matter what level of knowledge you have. I agree, and this IS the forum, as well as Teamspeak to ask questions regarding anything about the SDR - 1000.
I don't follow probably 60% of the technospeak stuff, yet I still can operate this radio and have fun with it! I have never used digital modes, or Olivia, Moonbounce etc, although I find it fascinating. The fact that this SDR-1000 radio can explore all these new modes is encouraging!
If you found yourself attracted to Amateur Radio in some form or another, then you probably committed to more than putting a plug in an 110 v outlet and doing plug and play. The SDR-1000 is not a common radio, yet it is not that difficult to to learn to use.
Ask my granddaughter! We went to Belize and made about 3500 Q's during the recent CQWW Phone contest. I was not an expert at it, but it worked!
Please, shuck the technospeak and ask your questions! I takes everyone to make a town! ASK your questions!
Eric2 - AA4SW

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