a few random Teamspeak topics:
o   N4HY explain his new document about DttSP

o   Bob Cowdery G3UKB from England introduction to:
        -    Squeak
        -    His dreams for future SDR control technology

o If you were buying an oscilloscope, what criteria should you use? there are hundreds of used ones out there. Is there a reliable merchant (other than eBAY)?

o Tony KB9YIG, Bill KD5TFD, George N2APB tutorial on the SoftRock Version 5.x and it's future.

o Recent reports indicate that over 1000 SoftRock kits have been ordered. What does this mean for the penetration of SDR technology into Ham Radio? what does this mean for the future of SDR? How can we draw some of these builders into Teamspeak forums?

o N8VB, VE3ENA, M0KGK, I2PHD, to explain their approach to SoftRock receivers all written in different languages using different tools.

o Phil VK6APH tutorial on his AGC document with his comparison to other high end gear.

o Phil N8VB tutorial on his dedicated design and new architecture using FPGA and TI chip(s).

o The SDR-1000 and the PowerSDR console are the only way to generate a truly user controlled HiFi ESSB signal. Why have the YaeComWood manufacturers limited their new hardware to 3Khz wide signals? Is this the end of ESSB? Has the U.S. am community abandon interest ESSB (HiFi-SSB)? what about Europe, JA, and AU?

o   FOR SALE night - any ham radio related gear

o   Programming for Dummies using SharpDSP (free compiler)

o   What are the differences in .NET 2.0?

o   What are the differences in Viz Studio 2.x?

o   What are the differences in DirectX versions?

o   Introduction to FPGA for dummies

o   Introduction to Xylo for dummies (compare to Saxo)

o   Introduction to Wolfson for dummies (compare to TI)

o Tutorial on how it is that a Pentium IV has enough horsepower to perform all the DSP arithmetic when an Orion-II from Ten-Tec needs two very fast dedicated DSP chips and the IC-7800 needs four.

o   Introduction to Linux O/S

o   Introduction to a CDROM bootable Linux

o How could a ham convert from Windoze to Linux? Is it far too complex to even consider?

o   How to optimize your SDR-1000 setup for CW.
o   How to optimize your SDR-1000 setup for SSB and ESSB
o   How to optimize your SDR-1000 setup for digi modes
o How to optimize your SDR-1000 setup for VHF/UHF/SHF/ Transverter use.

o Flex please explain more about the architectural changes coming in 1.5.x (decoupling the console)

o   Bring your kid to Teamspeak night. Bring some 9-14 yr
old kid to speak with other kids about Ham radio.

o Phil N8VB tutorials on his TCP/IP bridge, Vcomm, and Vsound, and now FPGA and his High Performance designs.

o   Bob K5KDN tutorial on the new CAT commands and what's

o   Simon HB9--- introduction to Ham Radio Deluxe and how
it will mesh with the SDR-1000.

o   Rick VE3MM explanation about how he uses Oscilloscopes
as diagnostic tools in his experimentation.

o   Terry W0VB discussion about how he presents the
SDR-1000 to groups.

o   Terry W9VB discussion about the new remote shack
operation and his new antenna farm.

o John (TAPR Pres) introduction to how he will keep the SDR-1000 on frequency and locked to an external ref.

o   Bob N4HY to explain his new xponder experiments and
how SDR fits into satellite communications in the future.

o Frank AB2KT tutorial on (j)DttSP and how it might evolve in the future.

o   HRO and AES principles to discuss what is happening in
the Ham Radio sales business. What are the directions things are going? any speculation about the YaeComWood
rigs in the future?

o   What *was* your favorite rig in the shack BEFORE you
bought your SDR-1000?  (FT1000D, IC-7800, OrionI/II,
FTdx9000, TS-830...). Please compare/contrast/explain.

o   What can you do to get through the Solar Minimum.

o   Flex says they sold over 600 SDR-1000's. Why are there
the same 40 guys on Teamspeak? How can we bring more of
the owners into the conversation?

o  Flex says they sold over 600 SDR-1000's. How can we
bring more of those guys into the open development
of the Console?

o   Beginners night - any SDR-1000 new owners and those
wanting to ask really basic questions without fear of
being ridiculed.

o   What is your favorite MIC and why?

o What is your favorite software for controlling your XMIT audio signal?

o   What is your favorite mixer (Behringer? W2IHY?)

o What is your favorite soldering equipment for modern SMT components and why?

o   Is life too short for QRP?

BK de Ken N9VV

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