Anyone else hearing what I'm hearing?  It really does sound different to 
me, at least.

Did something else change?  Shapes of the skirts on the filters? 
 Default noise blanking settings?   I have long simply taken the 
defaults on all this stuff and it never did me wrong.

I used 1.4.5 for a long time.

Eric Wachsmann wrote:

>We haven't changed the functionality.  Perhaps the default Max Gain setting
>is different.  But there is nothing I can think of that would cause the
>preamp settings to operate differently short of the Max AGC Gain settings.
>Eric Wachsmann
>FlexRadio Systems
>>-----Original Message-----
>>Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 4:11 PM
>>To: Eric Wachsmann
>>Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Front panel rf-af
>>>Hovering over the control will give you a good explanation.  The RF Gain
>>>essentially controlling the Max AGC Gain while the AF Gain actually is a
>>>gain control on the output audio from the DSP.
>>>Eric Wachsmann
>>>FlexRadio Systems
>>This brings up a question I've been meaning to ask -- what, exactly, has
>>been going on with the receiver sound?
>>Well before the current 1.6.2, when I set the "preamp" to Off or Low or
>>Med or High, there was a distinct audio difference between them.
>>Starting with 1.6.2 (probably before, I don't do all betas these days and
>>made little use of 1.6.1), the differences are far less distinct to my
>>I do note that when I play with the "RF Gain" control on recent betas,
>>that if I set it at "about" 80 per cent, I get something that "sounds
>>like" the way it used to sound and at 100 per cent, it sounds about like
>>1.6.2 in terms of preamp settings.
>>I kind of prefer the sharper delineations, though I don't know if,
>>objectively, it really alters the performance the way it used to.  In the
>>old version of it, reducing from high to medium to low and (on RTTY)
>>sometimes to off really make a marked difference in signal to noise even
>>if the sound itself came down a bit.
>>I know there was a lot of discussion of all of this, but what I
>>experienced is still not quite what all those discussions (to the extent I
>>read or understood them) would have lead me to believe.
>>Do I want the old behavior?  If so, how do I get it?  Or, is there
>>something about how the AGC now works that I get the S/N advantages, but
>>more audio after all?  Would this answer be the same for RTTY work (of
>>which I've done less of late, but really used the sharp delineations to
>>manage reception quite effectively)?
>>Larry  WO0Z

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