On 10/23/06, Simon Brown (HB9DRV) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You must wait with a timeout to receive data *or* write async code, myself I
> just wait with a 1 second timeout for a reply. Keep reading until you get a
> ; or get sick of writing code and take up golf.
Hee Hee!

Yes, I realized that not long after I posted my last message.  I'm now
letting it sleep 50 ms before trying to read the input buffer and that
helps a lot, but still it misses some never returning anything.  Maybe
I need to increase my sleep time a bit, I could sure use it ;)

I tried using a loop until something came in, and it of course just
goes forever at times, so a timeout within the loop needs to be in

What about handshaking?  XON/XOFF???  Something else?

It's getting better now.


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