The other, not quite so obvious alternative to Linux would be to support 
XP, only, for as long as we can.

This is not as strange an idea as it looks.  It may be that we aren't 
the only ones unwilling or unable to enter this brave new world of 
optimizing everything for the record industry.

Plenty of powerful computers (any old 2.4 GHz Pentium is plenty good) 
will exist for some time to come at good prices and virtually all will 
have valid XP licenses when you buy them.  It may be a problem for Flex 
Radio at some point when official consumer support dies, but maybe 
things will straighten out by then.

There's going to be a long delayed rampdown of XP in any event.  For 
reasons entirely unrelated to us, major companies are not going to 
immediately dump XP.

We have a while to think about this -- perhaps a year or two -- and if 
Vista gets in the way, it could be a serious position not to bother with 
it for as long as Gerald can manage it without harming his business.  I 
don't know when that point is, but it isn't today, that's for sure.

Larry WO0Z

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