Interesting....but 6 months ago  the SDR1000 was the best radio in the 
world....go figure


Robert McGwier wrote:
> <>
> <>
> shows the bottom end of 20meters and 6 meters (bottom 192 kHz).
> There is no comparison between the LO in the 5000 and the AD9851 found
> in the SDR-1000. There are tiny spurs, evident in this picture. But I
> am stealing, err uhh, copying, err uhh, analyzing and using the spur
> elimination routines from linrad. ;-) The tiny spurs that are evident
> in the 5000 are not numerous, they are more widely spaced than the
> SDR-1000, primarily because of the much higher clock frequency. In
> addition, the new DDS has essentially no clock leakage at subharmonics
> of the main clock as compared to the AD9851 which as everyone will
> remember, produced horrible spurs just above 50 MHz in the SDR-1000. I
> picked these pictures not because they were the best but because they
> show the bottom of the band.
> I have a beta radio, the front end and the exciter (QSE) have been
> improved in the production radios, but the LO has not changed at all.
> My MDS on six meters with the preamp on is -126 dBm. This will not make
> a 6 meter operator stand up and take notice. HOWEVER, the Flex 5000
> makes it utterly trivial, with no external switching required, to drop
> in a preamp in the RX In / RX Out path. Its gain must be known to put
> into a gain table so the radio remains calibrated.
> The Flex 5000 is a much cleaner receiver and there is simply no
> comparison whatsoever in the QSE. The IMD is very good in the entire
> amplification chain. However, we will be providing, after things
> settle down on the release, a linearization button or check box. If
> you remember the typical power curve, it is linear and then folds over
> at the top as you near the max output. One can trivially invert that
> curve. If in addition to this inversion, we do a little phase
> correction in the TX filter, this will be a superbly clean transmitter,
> with very small IMD. This will be especially important on digital modes
> and for those that have power to burn in driving their amplifiers, this
> will produce one of the cleanest sounding radios ever.
> WARNING: The algorithms mentioned here will not be in the 1.10 release.
> They are to follow shortly after once they have been fully vetted as
> functional and not harmful. I am certain they will be popular.
> Bob
> N4HY
> Philip Covington wrote:
> > On 8/8/07, Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <>> wrote:
> >> I put together a few pictures of what the new packaging looks like. It
> >> is solid and well thought out. There are surprises in the box. I know
> >> you will be as thrilled as I was to receive your new FLEX-5000
> >> 
> <>
> >>
> >> First impressions:
> >> -----------------
> >> o The rig is heavy and solidly built. I thought it would be about like
> >> the SDR-1000. It is much more solid and has really professional
> >> attention to details.
> >>
> >> o I never listened to WWV on 15Mhz because my Jupiter couldn't hear
> >> it. I can now click through ALL the WWV stations on 2,5,10,15, and even
> >> 20Mhz with the FLEX-5000.
> >>
> >> o The preamp comes on automatically on the higher bands and the audio
> >> stays exactly where you put it for best listening.
> >>
> >> o Setup is so easy that you will think you missed something. Hook up
> >> some powerpole connectors, your speakers, an antenna, and a Firewire
> >> cable to your PC and you are all set to enjoy your new rig. There is no
> >> more XG-1 signal level, image, or frequency adjustments! those
> >> adjustments are all done at the factory now.
> >>
> >> o My new rig has been on PSK31 and CW and has not missed a beat. I
> >> was always impressed with my SDR-1000. This second generation from Flex
> >> easily surpasses it.
> >>
> >> o I believe SDR has finally turned the corner from a hardware
> >> curiosity and experimental platform to a viable solid performer 
> that can
> >> hold it's own against anything in the Ham market.
> >>
> >> all the best,
> >> de ken n9vv
> >
> > I am sure there are many people as curious as I am: How does it
> > perform on 10 and 6 meters? How many spurs are you seeing above 20
> > MHz?
> >
> > 73 Phil N8VB
> >
> -- 
> AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
> "If you're going to be crazy, you have to get paid for it or
> else you're going to be locked up." Hunter S. Thompson
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