FireBrick wrote:
> But I swear the sound channels are reversed.
> I was trying to listen split, and finally did the Audio Balance test.
> But I left sound is in right earphone and vice versa.
> Anybody else expericing this is do I have a setting wrong?
> SDR5Ka svn1652
> Listening on a Heil ProSet.
> I know the proset is wired correct as it's correct with my other radios.

I have noticed this also in my Flex 5000 with 1.10.2  I had not 
eliminated all causes on my end, so I hadn't reported it yet.  I have 
nearly concluded it was a bug before you wrote, though.

Meanwhile, working a couple of DX pileups, I had to use the handy "Swap" 
checkbox to get the job done.

Larry  Wo0Z

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