I tried calling some of the military stations during the Armed Forces
Day event, this past Saturday.  This involved setting VFO A for RX to
the military station's freq and setting VFO B to the ham band freq for
The rig would apparently tune fine via the ATU but I didn't appear to
see any output power during normal SSB TX.   Power out in non-split mode
seems to be fine.
I need to run this test again to verify power out - I was using the
indication on the PSU ammeter which is usually indicative of output when
set for nominal 100W.  I'll run again with my power meter in the antenna
feed.  I'll also run again in split mode but with both TX and RX freq
inside the ham bands to see if this is a factor.  
Is there a config setting I'm missing that affects split operation,
especially when the RX freq is outside the ham bands?
Rig: SDR-1000 + 100W PA + ATU + HPSDR Ozy & Janus
WinXP SP2, 2Gig, Pentium 4 2.4GHz
Pete, N3EVL
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