I've had VERY GOOD success and service from DX Engineering
The clamps are easy to lock and unlock.

----- Original Message ----- From: "FireBrick" <w...@billnjudy.com>
To: <w8...@yahoo.com>; "Neal Campbell" <nealk...@gmail.com>
Cc: <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Computer= noise

If you take a look at the number of wires coming OUT of that power supply, you will see they go to various places INSIDE the computer.

First thing I do to a new machine, put torroids around each of the various bundles. Those going to the moboard, and those going to all the drives and other devices.

Also, most USB cables have a built-in but teeny torroids.
Can't hurt to put another.

my computer is 7.5 lbs heavier than it was when it arrived. <lol>

----- Original Message ----- From: <w8...@yahoo.com>
To: "Neal Campbell" <nealk...@gmail.com>
Cc: <flexradio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 2:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Computer= noise

Hi Neal,

Thanks for the suggestions. I tried changing the refresh rate, resolution, etc but to no avail. The noise continues even after removing the monitor cable from the video board. I would guess this pretty much eliminates the video end of things.
What can I do re the pwr supply other than toroids on the 120V input ?

Thanks, Art

From: Neal Campbell <nealk...@gmail.com>
To: w8...@yahoo.com
Cc: flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 1:48:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New Computer= noise

Merry Christmas Art!

The two areas I would concentrate on are the video hookup and the power supply.

How many toroids do you have on the cable going from the video card to
the monitor? Try changing the refresh frequency on your display and
see if the behavior changes. You can do this by right-clicking on the
desktop, then click on the right-most tab and click the button called
advanced. Under the monitor tab, you can usually change the refresh
freq. If there is a box there that says "show only frequencies
supported by the monitor" leave it checked initially. If it doesn't
show you any options with the boxed checked, uncheck it. You will
usually see 60z, 70hz and one inbetween (64.5 maybe?) Just see if it
changes anything. If it does you have the right area. It may not be
the solution but at least you know where the problem is. If its there,
try changing to a better shielded/toroided cable.

If its not the video card, I would make sure you have ground the heck
out of the computer case to the same ground as the radio. Just as we
were always suspicious of switching power supplies for our rig,
computers have always used them in the modern age and cheap computer
power supplies are a gift from hell. I haven't ever used a compucase
case before so cannot testify abt their power supplies but a good
grounding and toroids on any piece of wire connected to it should help
mightily. BTW, most of those snapon toroids are worthless. The only
ones I can recommend are the big knuckle buster ones from DX
Engineering. Otherwise you are much better off getting some big donut

73 es I am sure you will figure this out!
Neal k3nc
Neal Campbell
Abroham Neal Software
Programming Services for Windows, OS X and Linux
(540) 242 0911
Try Spot for OS X, the intelligent DXCluster Client at
www.abrohamnealsoftware.com - $15.99
For a great dog book, visit www.abrohamneal.com
See the FlexRadio Systems Flex-5000a in
action at www.flex-videos.com

On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 1:09 PM, <w8...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Help please!

Santa brought me the pieces parts for a new computer and I have successfully assembled it, Flex 5000A runs great on it at 10 to 15% CPU useage @192 range But: horrific noise peaks at 100 khz intervals, This is most pronounced on the 80 meter band. There are minor peaks at 50 khz intervals. The overall noise floor is also higher.

Pieces Parts as follows:
Case&Pwr Supply--Compucase 6AR6BS2fxFX585
Motherboard -------Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P P45 775R
Video Board --------Gigabyte N95TOC1GH 9500GT R
CPU-----------------Intel E 8400 3G 775 45N R
Memory------------- 2Gx2/CORS
Harddrive------------WD 2500AAKS

Have tried turning the monitor off. The only thing that helps the noise is to turn the computer completely off. Removing the antenna from 5000A seems to eliminate it on the panadapter as well as audibly. When I turn the 5K off the noise is still present on a separate rig.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

73, Art K8JK

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