Thanks, Tim.

I installed the DPCLAT tool.  I am seeing consistent 1000 micro-sec latency
on the DPCLAT tool.  Oh, there are a few drops to 500 microseconds, and a
few spikes of 16000 microseconds or greater.

I have disabled everything I can think of in the Device manager, without
impairing the machine: 

* Wireless network card (even tried the LAN card) - no change
* Tablet pen input
* Other USB controllers, except for the one with the mouse and the one with
the keyboard
* Internal computer sound card
* Any other human interface devices not in use

I also took a look at the services which are running.  I cannot find any
which would still affect the machine.  Antivirus is off...Vista search
indexer is off.  I am running Windows Basic for display, not Aero glass for

CPU shows about 11% utilization, 850MB out of 2 GB of memory in use.

Interesting test - when I unplug the firewire connection, the latency drops
WAY down, to about 50 microseconds...with only a spike of 1000 microseconds
every 5 seconds or so.  As soon as the firewire cable goes back in, we go
back up to 1000 microseconds again.  The driver is dated June 2006, that was
just before gold code of Vista came out.  I checked (RICOH OHCI Compliant
IEEE 1394 Host Controller) and the installed version looks like the latest
one available:

So we have met the enemy which is causing the latency, and it is US.  The
firewire connection is causing a latency which is affecting the performance
of the firewire connection.  How about that!  Talk about going in circles...

I don't suppose there is anything I can do at this point....

Mark Lunday

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Ellison [] 
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 9:42 PM
To: Mark Lunday; Flexradio
Subject: RE: [Flexradio] Venting about VAC 4 with SDR 1.18.1 (but I know I
am somehow the problem)

Have you tried resetting the database.  With all your crashes, it could be

WSJT will change around the soundcard device numbers when soundcards are
re-recognized.  It is one of the most difficult soundcard programs to get
setup and working right.

I highly recommend that you start with a much simpler configuration and get
things working before going on to the more advanced configurations.  You
need to divide and conquer.

Start out without doing any digital setup and get RX stable first.  If you
can not get past this step, trying a more complex configuration will be

So, reset your database.  Set the sampling rate to 96 KHz, the buffer to
2048.  Make sure the Firewire driver is set for the same buffer size and
verify that you are using SafeMode1.  Do *not* change any other parameters
in the database.

There is a program or something on that machine that is probably interfering
with the real-time operation of your computer.  You need to run the DPC
checker all the time to see what you computer is doing - before starting
PowerSDR and after.  I suspect the freezes are the result of a long duration
DPC.  Use DPCLAT to monitor this condition.

Run this for a while and record the DPC max and average times in

The KVM switch might be a problem, but I use one from BlackBox and I do not
have any problems with it.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mark Lunday
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 9:08 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Venting about VAC 4 with SDR 1.18.1 (but I know I am
somehow the problem)

OK, it's Friday, I have been doing computer work all week.  Maybe I need a
break, because I am out of patience.  I realized something tonight: SDR
1.18.1 is a VERY stable product.  You guys and gals over at Flex are amazing
people.  You must have infinite patience.  I see now that your time is not
spent on Flex Radio, it is spent troubleshooting Windows garbage and PC


I wish I could get XP to load on this laptop, but that's another story since
XP does not recognize the disk.moving along..


In my case, I know it's probably me, but I am having a helluva time with
VAC.  It causes SDR 1.18.1 to crash 50% of the time, if not at first then
after 5 minutes.  After crashing, I have to reboot F3K AND unplug/replug in
the Firewire connection to get SDR running again with F3K.  After reboot,
the VAC settings in SDR are not where I had them last.




I had WSJT working last night, now it's not.  No audio coming through since
I got CW skimmer working.  MixW 2.18 was working last night, now it's not.
No audio coming through since I got CW skimmer working.    OK, recheck
everything: CW Skimmer, set VAC to Windows-WDM-KS, Direct I/Q to VAC.  MixW
and WSJT, set VAC to MME, NO direct I/Q to VAC.  RATS!  SDR 1.18.1 crash.
Restart.  Cannot see F3K.  Unplug firewire, restart F3K, plug firewire back
in.  Still not working.  Reboot and try again.


OK, SDR 1.18.1 working again.  Let's check VAC.  Wait, wrong setting in SDR
for VAC for working with MixW, needs to be MME, how did it get to
Windows-WDM-KS?  Why is Direct I/Q to VAC checked?  Those are CW skimmer
settings.  Must have been the last SDR crash.  OK, let's start MixW.  OK,
running.  Hey cool..wait, why did the SDR panadapter just freeze?  RATS! SDR
1.18.1 crash.  Restart.  Cannot see F3K.  Unplug firewire, restart F3K, plug
firewire back in.  Cool, it's working.  No need for reboot.


Let's launch MixW again.  Nothing showing on the screen.  Check MixW sound
card settings, everything correct (Line 2 INPUT, Line 1 OUTPUT).  Wait, VAC
is disabled.  Why is that?  Click on VAC.  RATS! SDR 1.18.1 crash.  Restart.
Cannot see F3K.  Unplug firewire, restart F3K, plug firewire back in.  Still
not working.  Reboot and try again.


OK, SDR 1.18.1 working again.  SDR options.  MME, ok.  Line 1 should be
input.wait why is my microphone input?  Change to Line 1.  Line 2 output,
check.  Check MixW, everything check.  OK, let's click on that VAC button.
YIPPEE no crash!  But nothing showing on MixW?  Oh, we're in USB.  I have
the "DIGI recognized as USB" check in SDR, but MixW still sends USB command
when going to PSK.  OK, click on DIGI-U.  OK!  Now I see audio coming out on
MixW!  Finally.  That was challenging.  But I got it and.what?  Panadapter
screen froze?  Not even 30 seconds!  RATS! SDR 1.18.1 crash.  Restart.
Cannot see F3K.  Unplug firewire, restart F3K, plug firewire back in.  Still
not working.  Reboot and try again.




Holy crap, I have more sticky note reminders on my wall for shortcuts, I
cannot even see the wall anymore.  


OK ladies and gentlemen, I KNOW I am part of the problem here.  This is NOT
an SDR issue.  But I don't know what/why I am doing wrong.  I am making this
harder than it has to be.  Or.there is a very simply solution.


Something just occurred to me - I am using a KVM switch, and constantly
going back and forth between the two PC's.the one with SDR and the other
with all the logging and other programs (not connected to the rig in ay
way).  Could the KVM switch (which switches over the keyboard and the mouse)
be part of the problem?  IRQ 18 is the firewire, that is the only one on 18
(I triple checked).





Mark Lunday





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