On Saturday 05 January 2002 01:17 pm, you wrote:
> I agree! The geometry (contact points) is maybe usefull too? And the names
> and makes data. As said all what is good could be used. It takes lot of
> time to draw nice airplanes. And there is lot of "none programmers" who
> want to do that. Why not let them to do it .. and consentrate on the
> physics?

FGFS can use 3d models in a variety of formats. If we're talking about
making them from scratch, it's not a problem. If we're talking about
taking somebody elses model, running it through a converter, giving it a 
repaint and packaging it as an original work... well, I certainly can't stop 

> > On the plus side, there are some lovely exterior graphics and some pretty
> > good panels. But I don't think any part of the MSFS models could be used
> to
> > determine flight performance of the aircraft.
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