> Hi.  I'm a Linux newbie trying to compile FlightGear on SuSE 7.2.  =
> Please excuse what is probably a dumb predicament.

> I got the out-of-date version of FlightGear that came with SuSE to run =
> properly by running SaX2 to Load 3D modules (RPM packages NVIDIA_GLX and =
> NVIDIA_kernel). [...] However, since I'd like to run JSBSim, I decided to =
> try compiling the newest source for plib, SimGear and FlightGear per the =
> "Installation and Getting Started Manual" online.

..... eeeeh, ooops, that should be my part: "How to install proper OpenGL
support using distribution supplied packages". Partly finished ....

For SuSE please install xg86_glx, mesa, mesa-dev, _no_ xf86glx-dev !,
xf86_glu without 't' at the end, (or similar name) including -dev, _no_
mesaglu !, mesaglut including -dev (also plib including -devel, if
available). This should be sufficient. Probaly SuSE-7.2 comes with outdated
Plib (memory does'nt serve this evening).

Otherwise: Upgrade to SuSE-7.3 and enjoy the supplied package of
FlightGear-0.7.8. This one runs so nice that I dumped my self compiled
O.k., as my only computer capable of running FlightGear is the one at work I
didn't have the time for fully qualified testing ....  Unfortunately they
don't pay me for that  ;-)

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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