Martin Dressler wrote:
> Is Humidity important? Why not report just air density and viscosity.
> IMHO viscosity is importanat for count of Reynolds number.
> Maybe Re don't play big role in currents FDMs but is really important for
> RC modeling.
> OT: What are necessary values for FDM.
> air pressure
> air density
> viscosity
> temperature
> wind vector
> gravitation vector,
> Forgot I something?

If you want to provide data you need it first. And there are no weather
reports that give me viscosity AFAIK.

So any weather system can only provide data that it has and that it can
derivate (e.g. denisty from pressure and temperature).
If you want viscosity and it's possible to derivate, that's fine.

But to 'publish' that data it's important how expensive it's to compute
(and to publish) and how many subsystems need it. So it *might* be
better if that data isn't provided and the (yet-to-come) ModelSim FDM
calculates it itself.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.        -- Ashley Montague

Whoever that is/was; (c) by Douglas Adams would have been better...

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