At 3/14/02, you wrote:
Just a quick note and question.  I've been able to get engine sound for the different models except the UIUC models.  Specifically I've been running the different versions of the Cessna 172.  JSB and Larcsim both produce engine sound but UIUC doesn't.  I've looked at the xml files and larcsim and UIUC both include the same sound files.  I'm wondering if I need to add something into the UIUC code for the engine sound to work.

Expanding on this question, we also don't know how to get control surface deflections pushed up the code (out of uiuc code and into Main or wherever) so that the deflections can be seen on the 3D models.  I have a feeling that the engine sound problem is similar ... that we are not pushing up the data through some .h file or something.

In a nutshell, sounds worked for us w/ 0.7.8, but now not w/ 0.7.9 (10pre1).

Wondering in Illinois.


Robert Deters
Graduate Student
Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

 Prof. Michael S. Selig
 Dept. of Aero/Astro Engineering
 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
 306 Talbot Laboratory
 104 South Wright Street
 Urbana, IL 61801-2935
 (217) 244-5757 (o), (509) 691-1373 (fax)

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