On Thursday, March 21, 2002, at 03:37 AM, Erik Hofman wrote:

Jonathan Polley wrote:
After getting SimGear to build under MSVC 6.0 (thanks Christian), I moved on to getting all of FlightGear to build. For some reason, MSVC does not like JSBSim (over 1200 errors generated) but I had no problem under RH 7.1 (as usual). I expect that everything is a snow ball started from the errors in FGPropertyManager.h.
The full build result file can be found at:

It's just a matter of removing (*all*) the 'FGPropertyManager::' sections within the class (or file).


When I do that, it complains about the multiple definitions of 'Tie.' When it starts failing the compile, it is on the second, and subsequent, definitions of 'FGPropertyManager::Tie.'

When I comment out *ALL* instances of 'Tie' (however you want to define it), I still get a major explosion which makes absolutely NO sense:

c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgmodel.h(67) : error C2059: syntax error : 'namespace'
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgmodel.h(67) : error C2238: unexpected token(s) preceding ';'
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\fstream(15) : error C2059: syntax error : 'namespace'
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\fstream(15) : error C2334: unexpected token(s) preceding '{'; skipping apparent function body
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgconfigfile.h(46) : error C2886: 'std::string' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgconfigfile.h(48) : error C2886: 'std::ostream' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgconfigfile.h(49) : error C2886: 'std::istream' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgconfigfile.h(50) : error C2886: 'std::ifstream' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgconfigfile.h(51) : error C2886: 'std::cerr' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgconfigfile.h(52) : error C2886: 'std::endl' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgconfigfile.h(53) : error C2886: 'std::ios' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgconfigfile.h(54) : error C2886: 'std::cout' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgmatrix33.h(30) : error C2886: 'std::string' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgmatrix33.h(32) : error C2886: 'std::ostream' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgmatrix33.h(33) : error C2886: 'std::istream' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgmatrix33.h(34) : error C2886: 'std::cerr' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgmatrix33.h(35) : error C2886: 'std::cout' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgmatrix33.h(36) : error C2886: 'std::endl' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgcolumnvector3.h(28) : error C2886: 'std::string' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgcolumnvector3.h(30) : error C2886: 'std::ostream' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgcolumnvector3.h(31) : error C2886: 'std::istream' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgcolumnvector3.h(32) : error C2886: 'std::cerr' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration
c:\flightgear\src\fdm\jsbsim\fgcolumnvector3.h(33) : error C2886: 'std::cout' : symbol cannot be used in a member using-declaration

Jonathan Polley

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