On Monday 15 April 2002 09:24 am, you wrote:
> > [... Andrew Ross wrote ...]
> >
> > > Here's a gedanken experiment [...]
> >
> > A _what_ ? Is this a valid word in your language ? I'm asking because it
> > definitely has german roots, the word 'gedanken' ....  That's funny,
> It is a popular word in the USA.  Not sure whether this is due to too
> many people having watched the Bomb and Rocket documentaries, full of
> german expat scientists with actors that know a dozen words of german,
> or whether the terminology arrived with the jewish community.
> It seems stupid to me, the english word "thought" works fine after all.
> America seems to encourage vocabularizing [grin] by stealing words
> from alien languages instead of learning a few more of the ones in english.

It's easier to look smart if you can confuse people ;)

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