On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 14:24:45 -0700
Alex Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Meanwhile, it would be a nice upgrade to have a menu item that brings
> up a dialog which contains _every_ command line parameter that is not
> otherwise represented in the existing set of run-time accessible menu items.
> The exit buttons are "accept and restart" or "cancel"; if the former is
> selected, the existing command line is extended with the chosen options
> and then the application "exec()"s itself so that they take effect.
> Over time, as those features become run-time configurable, the dialog will
> shrink.  I seriously doubt whether it will ever become empty, so I think
> the dialog will be a long term capability (especially on the CVS tree).

Actually, I'm working on such a GUI. (I need it for my personnal use of
FlightGear). It's a python set of scripts which use wxPython (wxWindows wrap) and
pyxml to "SAX-interact" with the preferences.xml file. It should help to choose
your aircraft (with a nice photo), your airport (by re processing the default.apt)
and with a screenshot too (if available), your environment conditions : time, weather,
..., the ability to launch Atlas at the same time on the right port, and some 
additional stuff. At the moment it is only experimentation, but as soon as I have
a working script, I put it under GPL, put it online and give a link to try it.

All the best,


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