Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> That's true for position jitter, but not for orientation.  But even if
> it's position, the jitter should still cause a change in position of
> the scenery, not the cockpit.  Remember that the cockpit *is* the
> aircraft -- no matter what the position is, it is always nailed down
> to the pilot's viewpoint position by definition.

Well that's sort of what I suggested in an earlier message could be done
(basically just overlay the scenery with a cockpit and camera set to 0,0,0). 
What you say may be true by definition, but not in flightgear.  In flight gear
the aircraft is positioned in the world and the pilot's eye is positioned in
the world.  The eye just happens to be in the cockpit when in the pilot view.

> Since the FDM output goes into both, you have to rule it out (or you
> can put printf's in the update routines and verify that inter-frame
> distances are never more than 0.1mm or so).

Except when flying at 400knots :-)



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