> When I was working on getting the agl calculation functioning with all the
> viewer changes, I toyed with the idea doing something that ignored sudden
> (and/or unreasonable) variations to AGL, at least for a few frames.   It
> mostly in response to what happens when a very fast aircraft outruns the
> loading,  which I decided wasn't a big enough problem to warrant tracking
> variations.
Perhaps that explains the problem I've been seeing. When performing autoland
approaches in the 747 (approach speeds around 137-150KIAS) the aircraft
would suddenly level off at decision height ( 200 ft) and then dive for the
runway as it tried to reacquired the glideslope. At first, I thought it
might be a problem in the FMC or some logic error that I created to initiate
a TO/GA. Looked and looked and could find nothing, so I dropped it for the
moment to
work on other things

John W.

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