> That's probably an issue with the autopilot and the 747.  It's been
> finding control factors that work for all the different speeds, compounded
> the giant mass of the 747.  At those lower speeds the effectiveness of the
> elevator can change dramatically with relatively small changes in speed.

Errr, I don't think so.  Not using the FG autopilot, and I see nothing in my
FMC that would
send a control command for up elevator. In fact, the FMC continues to issue
a reference
vertical velocity speed between 720 and 760 fpm descent which is what it was
calculating at glideslope
capture at the outer marker and during the approach. There is nothing in the
way of a control
command input, the approach is rock solid both in glideslope and localizer
tracking all the down.

Plus there's no reason for the aircraft to suddenly pitch up when neither
the state or control surface
deflections change.

> In any case the AGL doesn't affect the autopilot in its normal modes.  If
> were hearing tire screech at 200ft or it behaved differently depending on
> airport,  that would be a different story.
When I have a moment I'll try a few approaches at other airports. Don't have
sound enabled. And taker a closer
look at a plot of FMC output and control surface movements.

I've put this one on the back burner for the moment.

John W.

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