Jim Wilson wrote:
> When I get some time I'll run further tests and maybe come up with a
> patch to avoid this sort of glitch.  It would be helpful if someone
> happened to know why this gap happens in the scenery data sometimes.

I'm sure Curt can talk in more detail, but my guess is that this is
going to be very hard to avoid* in the general case.  Maybe the best
way to do this is to apply some meta-intelligence about the structure
of the data.  Rather than finding a purely geometic intersection with
any polygons that may (or may not!) be there, test each tile
individually (with a little guard band around the edge to prevent
misses) and select exactly one intersection.

[* It's really the same issue as the jitter -- at the scales covered
   by the terrain tiles, the floats in the vertex coordinates are only
   accurate to within a few millimeters.  Even "perfect" math will
   result in cracks.  The only way to avoid is would be to find all
   the duplicated vertices accross tile boundaries and force them to
   be precicely equal at load-time, which sounds like a pain to me.
   You can't force them to be precicely equal at generation time
   because each tile has its own coordinate origin and the "equality"
   test needs to happen after they're placed into the same

> Right now I'm in the middle of moving my own stuff to a new machine
> with a newer distro, so be a little patient please :-)

Heh, join the club; I just bought a new machine too.

> BTW Anyone have any RH 7.2 suggestions (other than formatting and
> installing debian)?  Any hope for the 2.96 compiler?  OT so respond
> off list.

I've been building with the default compiler on 7.2 and 7.3 with no
difficulties at all.  I think the 2.96 issues were all hammered out
during patches to the 7.0 distribution.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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