> > > status, if you also notice a big plume of something that looks a lot
> > > like smoke coming off one or both wings, land and check your fuel tank
> > > covers.  (And extinguish your cigarettes.)  :-)
> >
> > Ye gods.  That's why you pre-flight _after_ you've fueled up.  Gas it,
> > park it and then check it _all_.  I'm amazed you made it back.  It doesn't
> > take long to suck those wing tanks dry.
> That was when I was young and stupid.  The pilot fueled back up,
> screwed on the fuel caps, and off we went again.  I should have used
> that opportunity to exit the plane, but was too excited about the rare
> chance to go flying ... it was a wild ride though ... we flew up to
> northern AZ and were buzzing some poor rancher's cattle, or would that
> be "some rancher's poor cattle."  Anyway we were occasionally pretty
> close to 90 degree bank about 50' above the ground.
Heheh.  Was he an ex-fighter or crop duster pilot? :)

> In retrospect, yes, lucky to have made it back from both flights that
> day.  That was the last time I went flying with that particular pilot.
Smart choice. :)

> These days I give all my potential pilots a check ride in flightgear
> first before I'll go flying with them. :-)

"What's this?"  "It's a test.  If you pass, chances are I won't die when
you're driving."



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