I was testing some aero changes by flying in mouse mode (which is
easier than pulling out the yoke and clamping it onto my desk) when
something went wrong -- suddenly, the mouse would no longer control
the ailerons, though it still controlled the elevators.  I was off
from the runway and heading for some forest, so I added power slowly
(to avoid yaw), overflew a small river, then did a soft-field landing
in some grass on the far side.

This was a program bug (which I'll try to hunt down later), but it is
also a strong encouragement for us to start adding proper failure
modes to FlightGear.  Instruments and radios do stop working, control
surfaces do jam, and engines do fail, though thankfully such events
(except for the first set) are extremely rare in real life.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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