Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> I know this is probably opening a can of worms, but I just thought I'd
> throw this out to the list now so people could start thinking about
> and/or discussing the issues.
> Currently SimGear is a set of libraries, each of which is licensed
> under the *L*GPL.
> FlightGear is also mostly a set of libraries (with some top level
> wrapper code) that is entirely GPL'd.

> What I would like to propose for people's consideration, is the idea
> of taking each of FlightGear's component libraries and converting them
> to the LGPL license.  The top level wrapper code (i.e. whatever is in
> src/Main) would remain GPL.

Well, to be honnest. I've been thinking of restricting some of my 
contributions even more (configuration files, textures, etc) so it can 
be used for non commercial purposes only. That said, I'm a big fan of 
the Free Software Foundation, but some contributions took so much time, 
that I don't wanted to see them end up in commercial software (e.g. the 
F-16 config file end up in FLy! ot MSFS ...)

For code, I think GPL is good enoug and when looking back at it, 
changing SimGear to LGPL was done without consulting anyone else also 
(If I had contributed code for Simgear at that time I probably would 
have complained).

For me it's all an issue of other people running away with (and making 
mony out of) my contributions to LightGear, while I am jobless for some 
time now. This doesn't sound appealing to me.


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