Andy Ross writes:
> How about doing the light generation at tile load time, instead of
> generation time?  This would have big payoffs for maintenance --
> someone could fix lighting configurations without regenerating the
> whole tile.
> My assumption would be that this process is pretty quick -- one
> hitlist computation per light -- and wouldn't impact performance
> noticeably.


I have thought about it, and there are advantages and disadvantages to
both offline and runtime approaches.  For now I went with the offline
approach because (a) there were less technical issues to solve and (b)
I was nervous about the possible runtime performance issues.

There are hundreds of lights per airport and doing 100's of terrain
intersections certainly would cause a noticable frame rate blip.  Note
that with the random ground cover objects and random ground cover
lighting, we are doing a clever trick to avoid having to do any
terrain intersections at all.  This trick doesn't work for runway

There is also a problem with doing terrain intersections on tiles that
are freshly loaded, but haven't been fully pushed into the render
pipeline yet.  That's a technical issue we haven't solved yet, but we
need to at some point.

Also consider the case of an airport that lies on the corner of 4
tiles.  When the first tile is requested and an airport is attached to
that tile, the airport needs to be loaded.  But, we would also need to
somehow identify this situation and make sure the remaining tiles are
also loaded so that the terrain intersections in the neighboring tiles
also return valid results.  Most likely if a tile intersection comes
up with a void, that would trigger a tile load request for the missing
void.  But, we'd have to wait until that missing tile load is done,
then redo the original intersection test and then keep going.  This
could be a substantial pause as we wait for additional tiles to load.

Oh, and what if the 3 other tiles that we are suddenly forced to load,
also have airports that span other tile boundaries and we are forced
to load those first too.  We could concievably have a nastly little
cascading tile loading problem.  Probably generally rare, but anyone
want to take bets on whether or not it would happen someplace?  This
need for cascaded tile loading might also factor interestingly with
our threaded tile loader ... the threaded tile loader code is
something that I'd really rather not go out of my way to make more
complex than it already is.  Especially with threads, complexity
usually equals bugs that are nearly impossible to track down.

I'm doing a *lot* of wgs_84 math for positioning the lights -- things
like start at point A and move 100' in the direction of the runway to
arrive at point B.  This also get's to be really expensive.  There are
probably lots of ways to optimize this and stay within a pixel or two
error, but it's nice to be able to use accurate math and not have to
worry about it.

So there you go.  A runtime approach is certainly possible, but there
are quite a few significant issues that need to be considered and
solved first, and the path of least resistance clearly took me down
the offline route.


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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