David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Curtis L. Olson writes:
>  > We artifically raise the lights a bit to attempt to avoid zbuffer
>  > fighting.  The formula is based on the altitude above ground and the
>  > distance away ... however, it's rough and imperfect ...
> I'm still working on understanding the code.  First, you have
>         point_list geod_light_nodes
>             = calc_elevations( root, light_nodes.get_node_list(), 0.5 );
> That means that the base elevation for each light is already 0.5m
> above the runway.  Does FlightGear have ssg do further elevation
> adjustments at runtime?

Yes it does.  It is based on the agl data.  Look at about line 834 in
tileentry.cxx.  Note that because Yasim reports AGL at wheel level the lights
are actually lower there.  It seems to me that the 0.5 could be made lower
(maybe a property to adjust it in some cases).

To see the difference start up the c310, go to chase view and lower your view
angle so that the ground is level.  The green lights will pass over the wing
level.   Then do the same with c310-yasim, the green lights will be just about
0.5m off the ground.



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