It seems that a while back this came up when I was working on the viewer or
maybe tweaking the original 3D aircraft model rotations.  After moving the
AC3D model origin to where Yasim wants it (at the nose) the aircraft rotates
fine.  (Note that it appears the gear still compresses  abit too much as when
doing Curt's throw on the breaks at 40kts test,  the nose comes very close to
the ground).

Anyway, what I now remember is this: the camera position as configured for the
chase view is always in relation to the FDM location.  And in the case of
Yasim that location is always the nose.  So if the nose goes up so does the
camera.  In the air, this gives the _appearance_ that the nose is stationary
during a pitch, and the 3D aircraft model moves with a kind of a wagging
motion rather than a pitching motion.  I understand that the motion of the
aircraft is correct and the 3D model moves correctly when it matches the FDM,
 the problem is the way it looks on the screen when the origin is at one end
of aircraft.

Also, a bug report, for some reason the model "offsets" (e.g. /offsets/x-m)
appear to no longer work.



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