Carsten Höfer writes:

 > As You will see it's only the structure of the tutorial, but it should
 > give You the idea behind it. I would like You to read it and tell me
 > Your opinion. Did I miss something? Is there a better order? Is anyone
 > out there to write one of the sections?

It looks interesting -- I'll try to find time to read it in more
detail.  In the meantime, you asked for checklists.  Fortunately, I'm
a fast typist, so here are the checklists for normal procedures in the
1981 C172P, straight out of the POH (forgive any typos):


(1) Cabin

1. Pilot's Operating Handbook -- AVAILABLE IN THE AIRPLANE.
2. Control Wheel Lock -- REMOVE.
3. Ignition Switch -- OFF.
4. Avionics Power Switch -- OFF.
5. Master Switch -- ON.
6. Fuel Quantity Indicators -- CHECK QUANTITY.
7. Avionics Cooling Fan -- CHECK AUDIBLY FOR OPERATION.
8. Master Switch -- OFF.
9. Static Pressure Alternate Source Value (if installed) -- OFF.
10. Baggage Door -- CHECK, lock with key if child's seat is to be

(2) Empennage

1. Rudder Gust Lock -- REMOVE.
2. Tail Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT.
3. Control Surfaces -- CHECK freedom of movement and security.

(3) Right Wing Trailing Edge

1. Aileron -- CHECK freedom of movement and security.

(4) Right Wing

1. Wing Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT.
2. Main Wheel tire -- CHECK for proper inflation.
3. Before the first flight of the day and after each refueling, use
   sampler cup and drain small quantity of fuel from fuel tank sump
   quick-drain valve to check for water, sediment, and proper fuel
4. Fuel Quantity -- CHECK VISUALLY for desired level.
5. Fuel Filler Cap -- SECURE.

(5) Nose

1. Engine Oil Level -- CHECK, do not operate with less than five
   quarts.  Fill to seven quarts for extended flight.
2. Before first flight of the day, and after each refueling, pull out
   strainer drain knob for about four seconds to clear fuel strainer
   of possible water and sediment.  Check strainer drain closed.  If
   water is observed, the fuel system may contain additional water,
   and further draining of the system at the strainer, fuel tank
   sumps, and fuel selector value drain plug will be necessary.
3. Propeller and Spinner -- CHECK for nicks and security.
4. Landing Light(s) -- CHECK for condition and cleanliness.
5. Carburetor Air Filter -- CHECK for restrictions by dust or other
   foreign matter.
6. Nose Wheel Strut and Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation.
7. Nose Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT.
8. Static Source Opening (left side of fuselage) -- CHECK for

(6) Left Wing

1. Main Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation.
2. Before first flight of the day and after each refueling, use
   sampler cup and drain small quantity of fuel from fuel tank sump
   quick-drain value to check for water, sediment, and proper fuel
3. Fuel Quantity -- CHECK VISUALLY for desired level.
4. Fuel Filler Cap -- SECURE.

(7) Left Wing Leading Edge

1. Pitot Tue Cover -- REMOVE and check opening for stoppage.
2. Fuel Tank Vent Opening -- CHECK for stoppage.
3. Stall Warning Opening -- CHECK for stoppage.  To check the system,
   place a clean handkerchief over the vent opening and apply suction:
   a sound from the warning horn will confirm system operation.
4. Wing Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT.

(8) Left Wing Trailing Edge

1. Aileron -- CHECK for freedom of movement and security.


1. Preflight Inspection -- COMPLETE.
2. Seats, Seat Belts, Shoulder Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK.
3. Fuel Selector Value -- BOTH.
4. Avionics Power Switch, Autopilot (if installed), Electrical
   Equipment -- OFF.
5. Brakes -- TEST and SET.
6. Circuit Breakers -- CHECK IN.


1. Mixture -- RICH.
2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.
3. Master Switch -- ON.
4. Prime -- AS REQUIRED (2 to 6 strokes; none if engine is warm).
5. Throttle -- OPEN 1/8 INCH.
6. Propeller Area -- CLEAR.
7. Ignition Switch -- START (release when engine starts).
8. Oil Pressure -- CHECK.
9. Flashing Beacon and Navigation Lights -- ON as required.
10. Avionics Power Switch -- ON.
11. Radios -- ON.


1. Parking Brake -- SET.
2. Cabin Doors and Window(s) -- CLOSED and LOCKED.
3. Flight Controls -- FREE and CORRECT.
4. Flight Instruments -- SET.
5. Fuel Selector Value -- BOTH.
6. Mixture -- RICH (below 3000 feet).
7. Elevator Trim and Rudder Trim (if installed) -- TAKEOFF.
8. Throttle -- 1700 RPM.
   a. Magnetos -- CHECK (RPM drop should not exceed 125 RPM on either
      magneto or 50 RPM differential between magnetos).
   b. Carburetor Heat -- CHECK (for RPM drop).
   c. Engine Instruments and Ammeter -- CHECK.
   d. Suction Gage -- CHECK.
9. Throttle -- 1000 RPM or LESS.
10. Radios -- SET.
11. Autopilot (if installed) -- OFF.
12. Air Conditioner (if installed) -- OFF.
13. Strobe Lights -- AS DESIRED.
14. Throttle Friction Lock -- ADJUST.
15. Brakes -- RELEASE.


Normal Takeoff

1. Wing Flaps -- 0 deg - 10 deg.
2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.
3. Throttle -- FULL OPEN.
4. Elevator Control -- LIFT NOSE WHEEL (at 55 KIAS).
5. Climb Speed -- 70-80 KIAS.

Short Field Takeoff

1. Wing Flaps -- 10 deg.
2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.
3. Brakes -- APPLY.
4. Throttle -- FULL OPEN.
5. Mixture -- RICH (above 3000 feet, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM).
6. Brakes -- RELEASE.
7. Elevator Control -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW.
8. Climb Speed -- 56 KIAS (until all obstacles are cleared).


1. Airspeed -- 70-85 KIAS.
2. Throttle -- FULL OPEN.
3. Mixture -- RICH (above 3000 feet, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM).


1. Power -- 2100-2700 RPM (no more than 75% is recommended).
2. Elevator and Rudder Trim (if installed) -- ADJUST.
3. Mixture -- LEAN.


1. Fuel Selector Value -- BOTH.
2. Mixture -- ADJUST for smooth operation (full rich for idle power).
3. Power -- AS DESIRED.
4. Carburetor Heat -- FULL HEAT AS REQUIRED (to prevent carburetor


1. Seats, Seat Belts, and Shoulder Harnesses -- SECURE.
2. Fuel Selector Value -- BOTH.
3. Mixture -- RICH.
4. Carburetor Heat -- ON (apply full heat before reducing power).
5. Autopilot (if installed) -- OFF.
6. Air Conditioner (if installed) -- OFF.


Normal Landing

1. Airspeed -- 65-75 KIAS (flaps UP).
2. Wing Flaps -- AS DESIRED (0 deg - 10 deg below 110 KIAS, 10 deg -
   30 deg below 85 KIAS).
3. Airspeed -- 60-70 KIAS (flaps DOWN).
4. Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST.

Short Field Landing

1. Airspeed -- 65-75 KIAS (flaps UP).
2. Wing Flaps -- FULL DOWN (30 deg).
3. Airspeed -- 61 KIAS (until flare).
4. Power -- REDUCE to idle after clearing obstacle.
5. Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST.
6. Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY.
7. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT.


1. Throttle -- FULL OPEN.
2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.
3. Wing Flaps -- 20 deg (immediately).
4. Climb Speed -- 55 KIAS.
5. Wing Flaps -- 10 deg (until obstacles are cleared).
                 RETRACT (after reaching a safe altitude and 60 KIAS)


1. Wing Flaps -- UP.
2. Carburetor Heat -- COLD.


1. Parking Brake -- SET.
2. Avionics Power Switch, Electrical Equipment, Autopilot if
   installed) -- OFF.
3. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF (pulled full out).
4. Ignition Switch -- OFF.
5. Master Switch -- OFF.
6. Control Lock -- INSTALL.

The Ottawa Flying Club has its own similar-but-not-quite-identical
checklists that we're supposed to use instead of these (for example,
they include local ATC frequencies and they don't want us to touch the
parking brake, ever), and I imagine that the same applies to most
other flight schools and rental organizations.  The POH goes on to
list amplified procedures with many more details, but these are
representative of the lists you would actually have stuck to the yoke
in the plane.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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