Jim Wilson wrote:
> FWIW I'm also seeing a significant degree of what appears to be
> z-buffer fighting with geforce2 at 24bpp.  The c310-3d panel goes grey
> at certain angles and the c172-3d and a4-yasim panels display a lot of
> instability in the rendering (problems between layers in the
> instruments), although they do not go grey.  The fighting is more
> pronounced with instruments at an increased angle from the camera
> vector.

I see this too.  I think (maybe) that it's due to the cockpit jitter
issue, though.  The loss of precision issue will result in different
depth slopes for polygons that should mathematically be on the same
plane.  Thus the problem is worse for the "near" cockpit geometry
(A-4), and with off-angle viewing.

I need to work on the jitter bug, but keep getting distracted by more
interesting things.  The problem, if anyone forgets, is that the
matrix the cockpit draws into has a translation component that looks

   eyepoint-to-origin + origin-to-aircraft-body

Since the origin can be kilometers away, and the math is done in 32
bit floats, you end up with millimeter scale (several pixels or so)
imprecision in the resulting positions.  What needs to happen is for
the model code to calculate a eyepoint-to-aircraft transformation on
its own (in double precision) and not simply push a translation onto
the matrix.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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