Norman Vine wrote:
> This method should also be *considerably* faster then the current
> Panel code in that the actual updating of the instruments can be
> done on a round robin basis

I'm not sure this will work as well as you think.  The only way to
reduce the amount of work done is to re-render panel instruments
something less than once per frame.  Once that multiplier becomes more
than 2 or 3, you end up with the same chunky, awful panel animations
that MSFS is (in)famous for.  Ick.  Remember that this only matters
for low frame rate situations -- people who are already getting 60 fps
don't care about getting to 90.  But people at 15 Hz might not be
willing to go to 25 if it means that their panel instruments update at
only a stuttering 8 Hz.  The panel update rate is, IMHO, more
important than the overall frame rate.  This is my #1 biggest peeve
about MSFS.

And remember that fast render-to-texture requires support for
pbuffers/render_texture extensions (I believe only NVidia's windows
drivers currently have this).  Doing it with glCopyTexSubImage
involves at least one extra blit and buffer clear per frame, which is
(I suspect) likely going to cost more fill rate than you save in panel


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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