On 1/14/03 at 2:58 PM Curtis L. Olson wrote:

>David Megginson writes:
>> Except that all development stops on the even-numbered version as soon
>> as it's released, so bug fixes show up only in the unstable version
>> (which is usually more stable).
>That may be true.  Personally I keep my focus on the development
>branch, and no one that I can recall has submitted a patch to the
>stable version so it is still sitting at 0.8.0.  If there are problems
>with this branch and people want to use it and make it even more
>stable, then by all means, please submit patches.  But, my focus is
>typically going to be on the development branch for now.  Perhaps the
>problem is that FlightGear simply isn't mature enough yet for the
>stable/development branch system to make a lot of sense.  We are still
>scrambling to impliment some of the remaining basic elements.

I think that what it boils down to is that Flightgear is an primarily an
end-user application where feature set is more important than stability to
most users, unlike something like the autotools say, which are basically a
building block to other applications, and where stability and 'just
working' are likely to be more important than new features to most users.

As for 1.0, although its just a number, I personally think its a pretty
significant number, and probably worth a bit of work polishing bugs , user
interface, and installation problems out as much as possible before
release.  It might also make a good opportunity to test Curt's contention
that the front page of Slashdot wouldn't break his servers :-)  There seem
to be some problems with the JSBSim gear model which I'd have down as a
show-stopper for 1.0, and I'd have thought that displaced thesholds and the
arrows pointing to them would have to be pretty high on the list of
features that would be expected to make it in.  My personal hope as a
non-US citizen is that world-wide DEM-3 data from STRM becomes available
prior to 1.0, but I'm not holding my breath on that one any more.

Cheers - Dave

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