Michael Pujos wrote:
> Yes but there are techniques to sustain high poly count, none of which
> would be easy to integrate in flightgear. One great demo of high poly
> count terrain rendering with LOD is the chunked LOD demo from Thatcher
> Ulrich (http://sourceforge.net/projects/tu-testbed). This demo is
> optimized to death for NVIDIA cards though and is well worth checking
> if you have one.

Woo hoo!  The LOD war is back. :)

My feelings:

Static geometry is good enough for almost everything these days,
including flight sims.  The only exception is getting the "all the way
to the horizon" rendering correct for high altitudes, where visibility
can be infinite and mountains 200nm away should be visible.

Continuous LOD schemes are the only ones that make sense.  "Chunked"
LOD is optimizing the wrong thing -- Thatcher gets very high polygon
throughput, which admittedly make for good flame bait.  But real users
can't count polygons on modern hardware, and only care that the screen
looks right and the animation is smooth.  For a LOD scheme the only
correct metrics are (1) screen space error and (2) lack of visible
"pops" or geometry discontinuities.  Chunked LOD does no better than
ROAM variants in error (despite using far more polygons to acheive
that error), and shows significantly worse discontinuity behavior
(whole chunks go in and out at once).

Split-only ROAM is my choice, FWIW.  You can push the per-triangle CPU
overhead down to 2-300 cycles, which on modern processors is easily
sufficient for tens of thousands of triangles per scenery tesselation.
For real-world terrain, that's less than a pixel of screen space


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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