> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Curt Olson) [2003.02.27 15:02]:
> > John Check writes:
> > > > Yes, I know. Actually I con't care about this too much (it _was_ meant
> > > > to be a joke), so if someone want's to use FlightGear to driver their
> > > > toilet flusher, go ahead!
> > > >
> > >
> > > Hmmmm
> >
> > Honestly, I hesitated before I sent this out, but in the end, I just
> > couldn't stop myself.
> >
> > I always liked flightgear because it combined my two favorite
> > activities ... computers and aviation ... now the thought of combining
> > this with a 3rd favorite activity ... this could be just the answer to
> > finding more time to work on FlightGear.  I do my best thinking under
> > pressure???  Ok that's enough, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry ... I
> > should have just left it at "Hmmmmm."
> I was going to make a joke about FG not supporting the dropping of
> bombs, but...  ;-p

Puts a whole new twist on "bunker buster", doesn't it? *gd&rvff*


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