At 6/6/03, Jim Wilson wrote:
Michael Selig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I'd like people to try this out:
> In the preferences.xml, change the line:
> <eye-heading-deg-path>/orientation/heading-deg</eye-heading-deg-path>
> ... line 126, for chase view (view #2)
> to
> <eye-heading-deg-path>/orientation/gamma-horiz-deg</eye-heading-deg-path>
> and fly one of the uiuc planes. Go to the chase view and kick in
> rudder. The plane yaws immediately but the view does not. I think this is
> a better way to do the chase view. This gamma-horiz-deg is only set in the
> uiuc code for now, but if people like this approach the other fdms could
> compute this angle. Or else we could set a new property for this view
> angle and the uiuc code would set it to gamma-horiz-deg while the other
> fdms could still use heading-deg.

Also, one of the reasons the viewer uses these property tags is you can
customize the views per aircraft, depending on what the FDMs output.  So if in
the FDM specific *uiuc-set.xml files you put something like:

  <view n=1>

It'll work that way for specific aircraft under that FDM.  It might not be
helpful to reorder all the views with a particular aircraft, but something
like that would probably be fine.

I have tried essentially what you mentioned. Here's specifically what I used in the uiuc-set.xml file:

  <view n="2">

The outcome is that this gets ignored while the value in the preferences.xml file is used.

I've seen this sort of thing before where once a property is set, it's not possible to override that. I am not sure if this is true in all cases (e.g. data coming from all the various xml files), but I cannot think of one case where I've been successful.

I think what would be really good is a feature where a user could load in some customizations that override previously set values if they want. But this view-angle thing does not require such a sweeping capability.


************************************************** Prof. Michael S. Selig Dept. of Aero/Astro Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 306 Talbot Laboratory 104 South Wright Street Urbana, IL 61801-2935 (217) 244-5757 (o), (509) 691-1373 (fax) mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (FAQ) **************************************************

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